Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Nintendo Switch hack pirates now face legal action

Nintendo Switch pirates, look out – Mario's legal team has its legal fire plants primed to take you on. The company has filed two lawsuits against Nintendo Switch hack resellers that sell software and equipment to aid the play of pirated Nintendo games.

According to Polygon, the first suit is aimed at Tom Dilts Jr., apparent operator of the website UberChips, while the second is a group lawsuit filed against anonymous defendants across numerous websites. All are selling products from "Team Xecuter",  which has created “an unauthorized operating system ... and accompanying piracy tools that install it.”

Collectively, the tools and OS allows users to get around Nintendo's copy protection measures, allowing users to install pirated Nintendo Switch games.

Further hacks

UberChips is currently offline (under "scheduled maintenance"), but other sites mentioned by Nintendo's legal team are not only still online, but selling hack tools for other machines, such as the SNES Classic, Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Mini.

Even worse, they're taking pre-orders on new devices that will hack the thought-to-be-hackproof Nintendo Switch Lite and newer classic Switch models.

Nintendo states that these operations are causing "tremendous harm" to its business, and will be looking for $2,500 per trafficking violation, as well as an injunction to stop further sales.

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