Wednesday, March 4, 2020

OnePlus is giving you a chance to help it achieve the perfect OnePlus TV experience

OnePlus has one of the strongest fanbases in India, which is often involved in the launch of new products. OnePlus is looking to extend this symbiotic relationship for improving its Q1 series of TVs.

OnePlus TV was launched in India six months ago, where it brought a lot of never-before-seen software features and connectivity solutions. After nailing those ambitious ideas, it is now looking to gather in-depth feedback and suggestions from the community to “build a better TV experience.”

Called the OnePlus TV Product Ninja program, individuals will get a chance to work closely with the product team to discuss additional features and solve real problems. Around ten users will be invited to brainstorm with other “Product Ninjas” and familiarize themselves with the entire process of how a product manager works. At the end of the session, some ideas will materialize into actual features on the TV.

The selected participants will be eligible for OnePlus product perks, which could mean that they will get certain products as a gift. Details on this will be shared closer to the start of the program. Moreover, one of the contributors will get a “big” prize.

There are a few requirements to be able to qualify for the program, which can be checked on the OnePlus website. The dates and timings will be decided to take the schedules of the product ninjas. The last date to apply is March 9.

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