Friday, March 20, 2020

Facebook dark mode is rolling out now for most users – here's how to get it

Facebook dark mode is finally rolling out. After months of testing and teasing, the company has announced that it's now begun the official launch of its new desktop interface, complete with a switch to toggle the new dark color scheme.

“Starting today, the majority of people on Facebook will have access to the new desktop design," a spokesperson for the company told TechCrunch

When you receive the update, you should see a button at the top of the page asking if you want to 'try the new Facebook' (it's expected to take a few days to roll out globally, so don't worry if you can't see it just yet). Accept, then head to the settings menu at the top right to find the switch for toggling dark mode.

Flip the switch

It's great timing for the update, as users flock to social networks to keep in touch during the Coronavirus outbreak, and should help reduce the strain on your eyes as you catch up with your friends and loved ones at night.

Can't see the option yet? You can always use Google Chrome to 'force' dark mode on Facebook. This doesn't look exactly the same as the official dark mode will, but it's not too far off.

First make sure you have the latest version of Chrome. If you're not sure, open the main menu, select 'Help' and then 'About Google Chrome', and the browser will find and install any available updates automatically.

Now visit chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark in the address bar, and change the first drop-down box you see from 'Default' to 'Enabled'. You'll be prompted to re-launch the browser, so make sure you save any work first.

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