Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The main types of cyber security for beginners


Unfortunately, it’s often in the news: a major data breach compromises the secure information of individuals or a business. Cyberattacks are serious business, from the 2013 Adobe hack, to the 2017 Equifax breach that compromised millions of customers’ financial data, to this year’s revelation that dating apps were compromised, exposing hundreds of gigabytes of explicit photos and chats. Stopping them is critical.

Put simply, cyber security is the practice of ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of digital information; that is to say, making sure that the information is intact, that it can’t be accessed by unauthorized users, and that it can be accessed by people who do have authorization. There are numerous types of cyber security and security analytics, and all of them are focused on finding and improving ways to prevent unauthorized access to or tampering with data.

 What’s the Difference? Cyber Security vs. Information Security 


These two terms are often used interchangeably, but they’re not quite the same. Information security, or infosec, is concerned with keeping information confidential and accessible, regardless of whether that information is stored electronically or in physical form. Cyber security is specifically concerned with digital data and digital systems. However, as organizations increasingly use electronic systems to store and transmit data, the area of overlap between information security and cyber security will only get bigger.

Data is the most valuable resource in the modern economy, and organizations are more dependent on technology now than ever before. This makes IT security critical. Data breaches can result in millions of dollars of damage, and can also result in compromised trade secrets as well as loss of privacy. That’s why it’s critical to understand and make use of each type of cyber security.

  Data Loss Prevention (DLP)


As the name implies, data loss prevention is all about stopping data breaches and maintaining data integrity. Organizations invest in data loss prevention both to protect their own intellectual property and to stay in compliance with laws and regulations pertaining to data security, such as HIPAA for healthcare organizations.

Data loss prevention (DLP) software controls endpoint activities (points where data can be accessed), filters data transfers, and monitors data that is at rest, in motion, and in use. DLP includes security measures such as encryption and alerts that warn system administrators of potential breaches while also providing options for remediation.

 Network Security 

A computer being guarded by cybersecurity.

(Image credit: iStock)


The goal of network security is to protect the integrity, configuration, and accessibility of a network and any data stored on or transmitted across said network. Because computer networks have complex architecture and face a threat environment that’s always evolving, network security solutions must be adaptable and comprehensive.

Network security begins with physical security around network devices, such as locking entrances to a building where network devices are used or requiring employees who bring network devices home to follow specific security protocols. Technical network security includes software, such as encryption or firewalls, that protect the integrity of data on the network and prevent unauthorized access. Finally, administrative network security refers to the protocols put in place at the organizational level to control user behavior, such as requiring passwords to follow certain standards or be changed frequently, as well as giving different levels of access to employees depending on what their position is.

 Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)


Intrusion detection systems (IDS), or intrusion prevention software, is designed to monitor traffic and search for suspicious activity that may indicate a cyberattack. Broadly speaking, IDS systems fall into two categories: host-based systems that are placed on a particular device, and network-based systems that are placed on the network itself. IDS can identify traffic that is universally indicative of malicious or otherwise suspicious activity, such as phishing, as well as browser-specific attacks.

 Cloud Security 


Cloud computing security is specifically designed to protect cloud-based data by authenticating access, filtering traffic, and so on. The specific cloud security solution used by any organization should be jointly-operated by both the organization itself and the cloud computing provider.

One of the advantages of a cloud-based solution is centralized IT security. The cloud provider manages traffic analysis and web filtering across the cloud infrastructure, and it can ensure that software updates and other security measures are rolled out universally across the entire cloud. Cloud-based solutions also allow for more unified and robust security analytics. On the end user side, the organization needs a plan in place for managing access to cloud-based resources and ensuring that protocols are followed to maintain data integrity.

 Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software 

A computer virus visualized.

(Image credit: Prexels)


“Malware” is a collective term for several types of malicious software, including:

Antivirus or antimalware software is a type of software programmed to prevent, search for, detect, and remove these types of cyber security threats.

With more than 60,000 new pieces of malware created every day, antivirus software needs to be regularly updated in order to prevent the latest types of cyber security threats from breaching a system. A typical antivirus program scans files and directories for any known malicious patterns, removes any malicious code detected, and protects the overall health of the system. In addition to protecting against known threats, antivirus software can sometimes recognize previously unknown cyber security threats based on patterns of activity.

 Organizational Security Practices 


One of the most common misconceptions about cyber security is that it’s all about technical solutions; install the right security software and your device or network is protected. In reality, technical solutions are only part of the information security puzzle. 

An effective IT security plan also includes good practices around passwords and careful thought behind how levels of access are assigned. In many respects, it’s not unlike security at a physical office; everyone needs a key to the front door, but only certain executives need access to the room where the most sensitive information is kept. Employee backgrounds also need to be checked before they obtain access to intellectual property. Protocols need to be put in place to prevent keys from being lost or duplicated. The same principles apply to passwords, physical security around devices, and other administrative steps that can reduce the risk of a cyberattack.

 Ready to Get Started in Cyber Security? 

 As organizations continue to rely more and more on technology, and as the world of cyber security threats continues to grow as well, there will always be a need for cyber security professionals. If you’re ready to take the next step toward honing these important skills, get started with the fully online B.S./B.A./B.A.S. in Information Technology Management at Eastern Oregon University Online. 


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